
Showing posts from September, 2021


 Today we did a bell ringer on what song describes our life and I picked 1-800 by logic. The songs about a boy being gay and he is being judged but in the future things get better. Then we read some of the letters from the color purple book. Then the people that dressed up for throwback Thursday took a picture.


 Today we started on the novel “The Color Purple” and the story is very different from the movie so far. It’s from Celie’s point of view and she’s talking like she has no education which she didn’t. She got pregnant twice by her dad and both babies were taken away from her. She think the dad killed them or have them away. Paul said she was “spoiled” twice.


 Today we read poems by Emily Dickerson then watched trailers by movies that were made about her. Then we took notes about the poem and had to write down what we thought her lines in her poem means.

Write about what you used to know how to do

I use to know how to draw but I can’t do it anymore. Once you stop doing something for a while you don’t know how to do something anymore. I practice and tried to do it but I can’t. Another thing I use to know how to do is skate. I use to go skating all the time when I was little now I always fall when I skate.


 Today we did make up work for blogs then read a poem by Emily Dickerson. We analyze the poem and discuss what each stanza mean. 

Write about something you can't deny

 Something I can't deny is realizing that I'm growing up and I'm about to graduate high school. It doesn't seem like I only have a year left then I'm graduating like it feels like I'm going to school for the rest of my life. I have a job and paying my own phone bill I would of never thought of the day that I have all these responsibilities. 

Write about what you'd planned to do

 Something I plan to do is quit my job and get one at Walmart because I hate my job now. They rude and the customers think they can talk to me any kind of way but then I get in trouble when I respond back. Another thing I plan to do is learn how to drive and save up for my car. I already know how to drive but I'm really not comfortable when I'm doing it. I want to get my licence in November and get a car the summer of my senior year. 

Write about something that doesn't get better

Something that doesn't get better is the black lives matter movement. The black lives matter movement is    is a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. It started when i n 2012, 17-year-old ,  Trayvon Martin  was killed by George Zimmerman, a neighbour hood watch who felt Travyon, walking home after buying a pack of Skittles at a nearby gas station, was ‘out of place’ in the middle-class area.  An estimated  15 million to 26 million people participated  in the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, making it one of the largest movements in the country's history. The movement comprises many views and a broad array of demands but they center on criminal justice reform.


 Today we read a poem called “I’m nobody, who are you?” and at first I thought it was about her being a nobody but as wee read it was about self identity and all that comes with it. It was about healing and moving on with your life. People came in the class I forgot what they were but I think they was from dekalb something idk. They came and sat in class I think they was observing us for like 30 minutes and walked out.


 Today we read a poem called Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening and it was about a man who I think was depressed about something because he was going to the woods in the cold and at night. I think he wanted to kill himself as well


 Today we did what we think is overrated to us and I picked social media. We did an example in class about why Mcdonalds is overrated. We said it's overrated because they have the same things on their menu and they ice cream machine never work. Then we had to write our own so I said social media is overrated because people pretend to be something that they're not and its very toxic. Give examples of why and that's all I got to do.


 Today we took notes on claim and different types of claims. A claim states the arguments main idea or position. The types of claims are claims of fact, claims of value, and claims of policy. You must establish an external criteria. 


 Today we took notes on arguments and what types of arguments. An argument is an opinion supported by evidence. Then talked about Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. Logos is based on logic, facts, and truths. Ethos is the character or emotions of a speaker or writer that are expressed in the attempt to persuade an audience. Pathos is the emotions produced by tragedy or a depiction of tragedy.


 Today we read a origin myth passage and answer four questions. Then we read the passage as a class then went over the answers. For the rest of the class time we played kahoot.